11th Logic Mentoring Workshop

Sunday 7 July 2024, Tallinn, Estonia

Co-located with Logic in Computer Science (LICS) 2024, as well as with ICALP and FSCD.


The Logic Mentoring Workshop (LMW) will introduce young researchers to the technical and practical aspects of a career in logic research. It is targeted at students, from senior undergraduates to graduates, and will include talks and panel sessions from leaders in the subject.

Conference and Workshop Registration

Registration will be done via the main conference site. See the ICALP/LICS/FSCD page.

Attendee Sponsorship

Some scholarships will be generously funded by our sponsors (see below) and cover registration to ICALP or LICS, as well as the workshop, and possibly travel and accommodation. Due to the generous funding of the NSF, we will be able to fund several US students completely.

Applications for sponsorships are now closed. Deadline was 7 May 2024 AOE.

Invited speakers and panellists

LICS Buddy

Is this the first conference you will attend in person? We have all been there. You might not feel comfortable if you don't know anyone. Join our Buddy Program, and we will help you to get in touch with another mentoring workshop attendee. Every newcomer will be assigned either a more experienced peer or another newcomer, so you are not alone. For those who are not attending a conference for the first time, being a buddy is a way for you to help the community to grow and introduce less experienced students to the field. If you are interested, write us an email.


Anti-harassment policy

We follow the guidance of ACM in our policy against harassment and unacceptable behaviour. If you experience any such behaviour, please report it to the organisers.

Past events

See logic-mentoring-workshop.github.io.
